Can low concentrations of papain repair the articular cartilage defect?

Papildymo data: 2008-09-22

Straipsnio autorius: Alfredas Staponas, Vida Gražienė, Laima Leonavičienė

Central Europian Journal of Biology
Volume 2, Number 1 / March, 2007
Pages 87-98

3 Fig. Ultrastructure of chondrocyte-like cells passed from subchondral plate to the defect site of healthy cartilage. Very young cell with heterochromatine in the centre of big nucleus and almost empty (without any organoids) cytoplasm (A), cell with active nucleus, some RER on the periphery, few Golgi vesicules and lysosomes in cytoplasm (B), more differentiated cell with RER, Golgi vesicles, some lysosomes (C) and vesicles transporting proteins to extracellular matrix (D). Uranyl acetate and mixture of lead salts.x 8 000, 10 000.

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